P.O.W.E.R. (Pastors Organized With Equity and Respect) is an organizing cluster of Gamaliel of Metro Chicago whose goal is to continue building a powerful metropolitan-wide social justice organization to work on such issues as public education, prison reform, violence prevention, affordable housing and voter participation. The organization is interfaith and multi-racial. It engages Pastors and Community Leaders in the political and economic situations affecting their lives and is a unified voice for the faith community to act on its values in the public arena.
Rev. Michael A. Jones, I is the President of P.O.W.E.R. (Pastors Organized with Equity and Respect) , an organizing cluster of Gamaliel of Metro Chicago whose goal is to continue building a powerful, metropolitan-wide, social justice organization to work on pertinent issues including voter participation. The organization is interfaith and multi- racial. It engages Pastors and Community Leaders from across the City of Chicago in the political and economic situations affecting their communities and is a unified voice for the faith community to act on its values in the public arena. P.O.W.E.R. has four active task forces including Violence Prevention, Mental Health, Education, and Social Justice. Pastor Jones is the Pastor of the St. Titus One M. B. Church and the 4th Vice- Moderator of the Salem Baptist District Association of Chicago.
Succeeded in bringing hundreds of Youth together in our annual Violence Prevention Fun-Fest in West Pullman Park along with various other violence prevention actions such as Christmas Break Skating and School Spring Break Bowling for the citywide youth.
Succeeded in bringing approximately 40 Pastors from across the city of Chicago together during our Annual Prayer Breakfast.
Participated in conjunction with the PNCC a series of 5 Mayoral Candidate Interviews including Jerry Joyce, Lori Lightfoot, Susanna Mendoza, Gery Chico and Paul Vallas.